miércoles, 21 de mayo de 2014

                                                                   TYPICAL FOOD 

Coast Region has many tourist attractions and one of them is its exquisite cuisine, which is based on seafood and appreciated by national and international tourists


2 big crabs
2 bottles of beer
1/2 cup of salt
1 basil
1 coriander
6 sprigs of white onion
3 red onions
8 ripe bananas
ONION SAUCE                                        
 5 red onio
 Juice of 3 lemons        
 1  tomato                                        
 1 pepper
2 sprigs of coriander
 Salt, pepper, olive oil


First, choose the live crabs. Proceed to kill
Then wash the crabs
After making the sauce onion, thinly sliced
​​, lightly rinse, and add the lemon juice and salt to taste.
Then let the lemon juice for 1 hour.
After that add the chopped tomato and pepper; check the salt, chopped coriander and increase the water with 1 teaspoon olive oil. Reserve.
Prepare a large pot to cook the crabs. First mix the beer with the two types of onions, 6 sprigs of coriander and bunch of basil, mix, add enough salt, and then black peppercorns, cumin and remaining cilantro.
Before boiling, place the crabs in the pot where the action is
Simmer for about 15 minutes.
Finally serve hot, accompanied with onion sauce and green banana.


100 gr peanut paste
100 gr Paiteña onion
50 gr green pepper
50g red pepper
400 gr pumpkin
1 unit of green banana
500 gr shrimps
200 gr fish
40 gr oil                                                             
1 lemon                                                           
50 gr coriander                                                     
1 bay leaf
salt and pepper to taste                                                                            

1 head of fish
1 sprig of coriander
1 stalk celery (large slices )
1 pepper
1 bay leaf
100 gr butter
50 gr red onion
salt and pepper to taste


First in a pot place the butter with onion, celery and all the herbs and add the fish head and shrimp shell briefly let cook for 30 minutes, remove from heat, sift and reserve.
Then in another pan put oil, onions, and fry menjurgue, we add the corn, white beans, green banana half and place the bottom half and took cooking cooking until all ingredients first.
After that liquefy apart sweet potato, ripe pumpkin with other background and put cassava heat until consistency
Meanwhile grate on a fine container remaining green banana and we add a little peanut butter, salt, and annatto and make small balls and put in the soup letting it cook.
Before serving, place the shrimp and fish previously seasoned with peppers and coriander.
Finally rectify the taste if needed and serve with lemon